Aurora AI terminal.

We create AI solutions that make working with the terminal easier.

100% Free and Open Source

$ curl -fsSL | sh

Our Services

Aurora terminal agent provides you with the following capabilities


Smart Command Suggestions

Get intelligent command suggestions based on your needs and context.


Natural Language Interface

Communicate with the terminal in natural language instead of memorizing complex command syntax.


Command Explanations

Get detailed explanations of what commands do before executing them.

AI Providers

Aurora terminal agent works with the following AI providers



Currently integrated with OpenAI models for powerful natural language processing capabilities.



In Development

Integration with Anthropic's Claude models is currently in development for enhanced capabilities.

More AI providers will be added in future updates

Terminal Demo

See how Aurora terminal agent works

Aurora Terminal

$ aurora

Welcome to Aurora Terminal Agent! How can I help you today?

$ help me find large files on my system

I'll help you with that. Try this command:

find / -type f -size +100M -exec ls -lh \; 2> /dev/null | sort -rh

$ what does this command do?

This command does the following:

1. Searches for all files larger than 100MB on your system

2. Shows detailed information for each file

3. Suppresses error messages

4. Sorts results by size (largest first)

Contact Us

Download Aurora terminal agent to try it out or get in touch with us

GitHub Repository

Check out our code, report issues, or contribute to the project